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GraphQL and DQL schemas

The first step in mastering DQL in the context of GraphQL API is probably to understand the fundamental difference between GraphQL schema and DQL schema.

In GraphQL, the schema is a central notion.

GraphQL is a strongly typed language. Contrary to REST which is organized in terms of endpoints, GraphQL APIs are organized in terms of types and fields. The type system is used to define the schema, which is a contract between client and server. GraphQL uses types to ensure Apps only ask for what’s possible and provide clear and helpful errors.

In the GraphQL Quick start, we have used a schema to generate a GraphQL API:

type Product {
   productID: ID!
   name: String @search(by: [term])
   reviews: [Review] @hasInverse(field: about)

type Customer {
   username: String! @id @search(by: [hash, regexp])
   reviews: [Review] @hasInverse(field: by)

type Review {
   id: ID!
   about: Product!
   by: Customer!
   comment: String @search(by: [fulltext])
   rating: Int @search

The API and the engine logic are generated from the schema defining the types of objects we are dealing with, the fields, and the relationships in the form of fields referencing other types.

In DQL, the schema is just an optional helper

On the Dgraph custer which has a schema mode set to flexible (which is the default behavior) you can run a mutation without declaring any schema.

For example, you can run the following mutation:

  set {
    <_:jedi1> <character_name> "Luke Skywalker" .
    <_:leia> <character_name> "Leia" .
    <_:sith1> <character_name> "Anakin" (aka="Darth Vador",villain=true).
    <_:sith1> <has_for_child> <_:jedi1> .
    <_:sith1> <has_for_child> <_:leia> .

This mutation using the RDF notation, could be read as:

  • There is a first thing, that we refer to as jedi1, having a character name “Luke Skywalker”,
  • There is anothe thing, that we refer to as leia, having a character name “Leia”,
  • There is a thing that we refer to as sith1, having a character name “Anakin”. The character_name has a characteristic aka equal to “Darth Vador” and villain equal true.
  • The thing referred to as sith1 has a relation has_for_child with the thing referred to as jedi1.
  • The thing referred to as sith1 has a relation has_for_child with the thing referred to as leia.

We can see those simple lines as a list of facts. They represent a certain information and knowledge.

You can retrieve information from Dgraph using a DQL query:

   characters(func:has(character_name)) {
      character_name @facets
      has_for_child { character_name }

Run this query in Ratel and you’ll get the following response (in JSON):

  "data": {
    "characters": [
        "character_name": "Luke Skywalker"
        "character_name": "Leia"
        "character_name|aka": "Darth Vador",
        "character_name|vilain": true,
        "character_name": "Anakin",
        "has_for_child": [
            "character_name": "Luke Skywalker"
            "character_name": "Leia"

Dgraph handles data as a network of nodes with materialized links between them. One way to inject information into Dgraph is to simply describe facts in the form of RDF triples and to send a mutation request.

DQL Schema: predicates and types

Dgraph maintains a list of all predicates names and types in the Dgraph schema. When we execute the previous mutation, Dgraph adds the predicates “character_name” and “has_for_child” because we have saved facts using those predicates.

Note In strict mode, you must declare the predicates (update a DQL schema) before you can run a mutation using those predicates.

If you do a search with the function “eq” on the predicate “character_name”, you will notice that Dgraph will complain that the predicate is not indexed.

The DQL schema is the way to specify predcicates types and cardinality (if it is a list or not), to instruct Dgraph how to index predicates, and to declare if Dgraph needs to maitain different languages for a string predicate.

DQL schema can be seen as meta-data about predicates.

What about Types?

As mentioned you can add “facts” about a node at any moment. This is a key feature allowing Dgraph to be used as a flexible knowledge graph.

There are two use cases where actually knowing the list of potential predicates of a node is necessary:

  • deleting all the information about a node : this is the delete { <uid> * * . } mutation.
  • showing all the predicates without knowing their names : this is the expand(_all_) feature of DQL.

The DQL type system is only used in those 2 use cases. A DQL type is just a list of predicates associated with a type name. A node is given a type by setting the dgraph.type predicate. dgraph.type is an array of strings, so a node may be given many types.

When executing the delete all predicates mutation or the expand all query, Dgraph will check if the node has a dgraph.type predicate. If so, the engine is using the declared type to find the list of predicates and apply the delete or the expand on all of them.s

Note DQL types is only declarative. In DQL, you can always add a fact to a node using a predicate that is not declared in the type associated with the node. And you can always add node without a dgraph.type predicate that is without a type.

Schema mapping

When deploying a GraphQL Schema, Dgraph will generates DQL predicates and types for the graph backend. In order to distinguish a field name from a type Person from the field name of different type (they may have different indexes), Dgraph is using a dotted notation for the DQL schema.

For example, deploying the following GraphQL Schema

type Person {
  id: ID
  name: String!
  friends: [Person]

will lead the the declaration of 3 predicates in the DQL Schema:

  • default
  • string
  • Person.friends [uid]

and one DQL type

type Person {

Once again, the DQL type is just a declaration of the list of predicates that one can expect to be present in a node of having dgraph.type equal Person.

The default mapping can be customized by using the @dgraph directive.

GraphQL ID type and Dgraph uid is not part of the Person DQL type: internally Dgraph is using uid predicate as unique identifier for every node in the graph. Dgraph returns the value of uid when a GraphQL field of type ID is requested.

@search directive and predicate indexes

@search directive tells Dgraph what search to build into your GraphQL API.

type Person {
    name: String @search(by: [hash])

Is simply translated into a prediate index specification in the Dgraph schema: string @index(hash) .


DQL does not have ‘non nullable’ constraint ! nor ‘unique’ constraint. Constraints on the graph are handled by correctly using upsert operation in DQL.

DQL queries

You can use DQL to query the data generated by the GraphQL API operations. For example the GraphQL Query

query {
  queryPerson {
    friends {

can be executed in DQL

  queryPerson(func: type(Person)) {
    id: uid
    friends: Person.friends {
      id: uid

Note that in this query, we are using aliases such as name: to name the predicates in the JSON response,as they are declared in the GraphQL schema.

GraphQL Interface

DQL does not have the concept of interfaces.

Considering the following GraphQL schema :

interface Location {
  id: ID!
  geoloc: Point

type Property implements Location {
  price: Float

The predicates and types generated for a Property are:

Location.geoloc: geo . string .
Property.price: float .
type Property {


The fact that the GraphQL API backend is a graph in Dgraph, implies that you can use Dgraph DQL on the data that is also served by the GraphQL API operations.

In particular, you can

  • use Dgraph DQL mutations but also Dgraph’s import tools to populate the graph after you have deployed a GraphQL Schema. See GraphQL data loading
  • use DQL to query the graph in the context of authorization rules and custom resolvers.
  • add knowledge to your graph such as meta-data, score, annotations, …, but also relationships or relationships attributes (facets) that could be the result of similarity computation, threat detection a.s.o. The added data could be hidden from your GraphQL API clients but be available to logic written with DQL clients.
  • break things using DQL: DQL is powerful and is bypassing constraints expressed in the GraphQL schema. You can for example delete a node predicate that is mandatory in the GraphQL API! Hopefully there are ways to secure who can read/write/delete predicates. ( see the ACL) section.
  • fix things using DQL: this is especially useful when doing GraphQL Schema updates which require some data migrations.